Failure Analysis / Root Cause

Failure analysis involves investigating how something failed, why it failed, and how to prevent it from happening again. Our team will explore factors when preforming a failure analysis. Some of the items we explore are design issues, materials use for fabrication, operational issues and others to help determine the failure mechanism.

When failures can cause potential safety hazards or drastic equipment failures we can conduct a more thorough investigation the root cause failure analysis.

A root cause failure analysis identifies the underlying issues behind a failure. Root cause failure analysis also makes maintenance more efficient by directing maintenance and repair resources at actual problems, not symptoms ensuring lasting results.

RCA steps:

  • Identify and describe the problem
  • Establish a timeline from the normal situation until the problem occurs
  • Distinguish between the root cause and other causal factors
  • Establish a causal graph between the root cause and the problem

Either way our team is ready to use it’s expertise in helping the customer to identify and offer a solution to fixing the problem.